Yumin Sun’s Research Page

I am seeking an opportunity to become a Ph.D. student doing probabilistic machine learning, especially in Gaussian Processes and deep learning and their overlap. Research assistant opportunities related to these fields are also being considered. Please feel free to contact me.

My profile is as follows.

Industry Experience

June 2021 - June 2022
Big Data R&D Engineer
Big Data and AI Lab, China UnionPay Data Services Co., Ltd, China

Job description:

1.Development of the big data platform for the credit card processing system with open source software such as Flink and Kafka.

2.Completion of daily distributed file storage and computing tasks using main components of Hadoop ecosystem like Spark.

Educational Experience

Sept 2019 - Dec 2020
MSc Data Science with Distinction
Department of Statistical Science, University College London, UK
Supervisor: Prof. Jim Griffin

Core Modules: Introduction to Data Science, applied bayesian methods, applied machine learning, graphical models, etc.

Project Title: Modeling elite athlete performance using Gaussian process ANOVA models (keywords: Gaussian process, MCMC, functional ANOVA)

Sept 2015 - June 2019
BSc Statistics, GPA 89.1/100
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University, Weihai, China
Supervisor: Dr. Xiaoqiang Wang

Core Modules: Real function theory, functional analysis, mathematical statistics, applied regression analysis, basic stochastic processes, time series, etc.

Projects Involved: Hot spot analysis of copy number variation based on EM algorithms; An overview of SEM with a Bayesian approach

Programming Skills

  • Python and R: Advanced level
  • Scala, Java and SQL: Intermediate
  • Go, a board game: Proficient

Research Interests

  • Bayesian statistics
  • Functional data analysis
  • Machine learning theory
  • Deep learning


Email: yumin.sun@alumni.ucl.ac.uk
Tel: +86 17863152050